using System;
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.AdvancedCSharp
delegate double DoubleOp(double x);
class MainEntryPoint
static void Main()
DoubleOp[] operations =
new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.MultiplyByTwo),
new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.Square)
for (int i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 7.94);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 1.414);
static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)
double result = action(value);
Console.WriteLine("Value is {0}, result of operation is {1}", value, result);
class MathsOperations
public static double MultiplyByTwo(double value)
return value * 2;
public static double Square(double value)
return value * value;
Posted on 2004-06-04 14:17 集思 阅读(505)
using System;
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.AdvancedCSharp
delegate void DoubleOp(double value);
class MainEntryPoint
static void Main()
DoubleOp operations = new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.MultiplyByTwo);
operations += new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.Square);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 2.0);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 7.94);
ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 1.414);
static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)
Console.WriteLine(" ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = " + value);
class MathsOperations
public static void MultiplyByTwo(double value)
double result = value*2;
Console.WriteLine("Multiplying by 2: {0} gives {1}", value, result);
public static void Square(double value)
double result = value*value;
Console.WriteLine("Squaring: {0} gives {1}", value, result);