关于C# 的高效随机字符串
ArLi2003 csdn 2003-6-14
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace ArLi.CommonPrj
/// <summary>
/// 随机密码
/// </summary>
public sealed class RandomStr
public const string myVersion = "1.2";
* Const and Function
* ********/
private static readonly int defaultLength = 8;
private static int GetNewSeed()
byte[] rndBytes = new byte[4];
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
return BitConverter.ToInt32(rndBytes, 0);
* getRndCode of all char .
* ********/
private static string BuildRndCodeAll(int strLen)
System.Random RandomObj = new System.Random(GetNewSeed());
string buildRndCodeReturn = null;
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
buildRndCodeReturn += (char)RandomObj.Next(33, 125);
return buildRndCodeReturn;
public static string GetRndStrOfAll()
return BuildRndCodeAll(defaultLength);
public static string GetRndStrOfAll(int LenOf)
return BuildRndCodeAll(LenOf);
* getRndCode of only .
* ********/
private static string sCharLow = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private static string sCharUpp = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
private static string sNumber = "0123456789";
private static string BuildRndCodeOnly(string StrOf, int strLen)
System.Random RandomObj = new System.Random(GetNewSeed());
string buildRndCodeReturn = null;
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
buildRndCodeReturn += StrOf.Substring(RandomObj.Next(0, StrOf.Length - 1), 1);
return buildRndCodeReturn;
public static string GetRndStrOnlyFor()
return BuildRndCodeOnly(sCharLow + sNumber, defaultLength);
public static string GetRndStrOnlyFor(int LenOf)
return BuildRndCodeOnly(sCharLow + sNumber, LenOf);
public static string GetRndStrOnlyFor(bool bUseUpper, bool bUseNumber)
string strTmp = sCharLow;
if (bUseUpper) strTmp += sCharUpp;
if (bUseNumber) strTmp += sNumber;
return BuildRndCodeOnly(strTmp, defaultLength);
public static string GetRndStrOnlyFor(int LenOf, bool bUseUpper, bool bUseNumber)
string strTmp = sCharLow;
if (bUseUpper) strTmp += sCharUpp;
if (bUseNumber) strTmp += sNumber;
return BuildRndCodeOnly(strTmp, LenOf);